
Based on the decision of the IOF to suspend the orienteering federations of Russia and Belarus due to their countries' role in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, competitors from Russia and Belarus are still not allowed to compete in TORUS events under their country or clubs from these countries. They can only compete as neutral athletes without country and club.

Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2025
2025-01-29 — 2025-12-31  

Race list

Interim Results:   Individual  -  Clubs  -  Countries

Last Race Results:   Individual

Preliminary Final Results (8/10):   Individual  -  Clubs  -  Countries

TORUS Christmas Cup 2024

Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2024

Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2023

TORUS Christmas Cup 2022

Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2022

TORUS Season #5 Spring 2022

TORUS e-O-Ringen 2022

Swedish Forest Cup II

Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2021

TORUS Season #4 Autumn 2021

World Orienteering Day TORUS Series

TORUS Turus Play-offs

TORUS Turus Tournament

TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021

Central European TORUS Training Week 2021

TORUS Advent Calendar 2020
International Finnish eTempO Trophy

TORUS Season #2 Autumn 2020

TORUS Season #1 Spring 2020

TORUS Cup Training Events

 Libor Forst, Clive Allen
 Libor Forst
 Ralph Körner
 Carmen Castro Manzanares
 Marek Karm
 Petteri Hakala
 Zoltán Miháczi
 Alessio Tenani
 Laura Elīza Lapiņa, Guntars Mankus
 Jacek Wieszaczewski
 Krešo Keresteš
 Implementation of web page localization and translation to English, Czech, Italian, Latvian, Slovenian and Spanish languages was supported by the O.R.I.E.N.T. Project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.

Both username and password are case sensitive!

Reset Password…

TORUS stands for "TempO Online Races Ultimate Series" and is a series of virtual TrailO competitions in TempO discipline.

The series was invented by a group of experienced trail orienteers in spring 2020 to face the challenge of not being able to have real competitions because of the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The TORUS events use the TempO Simulator created by Libor Forst in 2011 to provide realistic TempO competitions online.

The first TORUS Cup started in May/June 2020 containing 8 races within 4 weeks (Tuesdays and Thursdays) prepared by experienced TrailO athletes in 7 countries with the best 5 results counting. The premiere was a great success, with slightly less than 500 participants from all over the world, including most of the world's best TrailO athletes.

In October 2020, the second season of the cup started, with a new separation in A (Advanced) and B (Basic) category to provide more suitable courses for everyone. Therefore 2 x 8 events in 4 weeks had to be prepared. The number of participants increased to more than 550.

For the Advent time 2020, Finnish course setters prepared an Advent Calendar Series with shorter races (2-3 stations) and the number of participants raised up to more than 850.

Each season results not only consists of individual rankings, but includes also classifications for clubs (best 3 athletes counting) and countries (best 5 athletes counting).

TORUS is coordinated by the Executive Board (EB) and since the first series it is sponsored by Virtual-O.

The logo has a form of torus, it evokes a rotating orienteering flag and was made by Josef Pelikán from the Computer Graphics Group at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague.

The formula of a torus is x4 + y4 + z4 + r4 + R4 + 2x2y2 + 2x2z2 + 2y2z2 - 2x2r2 - 2x2R2 - 2y2r2 - 2y2R2 - 2z2r2 + 2z2R2 - 2r2R2 = 0

For each competition there is a 23½ hours time window to compete. During this time window you have to login at TempO Simulator, choose the current event in the event list and click on "compete".

You will see all important race information like map scale, number of stations, zero tolerance, terrain description and much more. You can decide about the width of the displayed pictures and maps and whether you want to use the zoom function (magnifying glass) or not. By clicking on "Load", you switch the application to the race mode and then by clicking on "Start" you start your race.

For each station you see the number of tasks, the time limit, the map scale and equidistance first. By clicking on "OK?" you start the first station. You see the picture with 6 flags first and have 5 seconds to allocate before the time starts and the map with the first task is shown. You can give your answer to use the mouse (clicking on the answer button of your choice) or the keybord (pressing the keys F1-F7, 1-7(0) or A-Z). Immediately after you submitted your first answer, the map with the next task of this station is shown and you have to answer as quickly as possible again. Time doesn't stop until you submitted the last answer for this station. If your time is over, you can finish the station but the last answers will not be counted.

After finishing one station you can take some time if you want before you start the next station by clicking "OK?" again.

Important: when doing the competition you have to solve all stations without pressing the "Skip" button. Also, do not make any Refresh, restart or Back of your browser. If the application has a problem with loading data of a station or uploading your results, be patient and wait, or retry (up)loading only by the Retry button directly in the application!  When doing training there is no problem if you use the "Skip" button when you want to turn to the next station, or if you restart the race.

After finishing the last station you see your answers. You can review the tasks (picture and map) by clicking on a task number. You can also press the station number key or use the cursor keys left and right to switch between tasks. As long as the competition is running you can't see the solution and where you did mistakes or not. This will be displayed after the time window for this competition is closed.

During events, the results are immediately uploaded to the server and the ranks (not the time or the points) are displayed in the live results. After the competition is finished, all detailed results, answer statistics and points calculation are available.

The TORUS Executive Board (EB) is the "brain" behind the series. It is responsible for coordination and development of TORUS including rules definition, finding organizers and advisors and decision about complaints.

TORUS Executive Board members:
Libor Forst
Petteri Hakala
Juha Hiirsalmi
Ralph Körner
Pavel Ptáček
Ari Tertsunen(IOF Supervisor)

You can contact the EB via torus(at)

2024-12-10 TORUS Christmas Cup 2024
There was a complaint in the 8th round of the Xmas Cup, based on a bad visibility and unclear flag locations at St1 and St2. The organizers sent the EB their explanation. Regarding the St1, the EB unanimously decided that it was OK and rejected the complaint. Regarding the St2, the complaint was rejected after voting.
2024-12-08 TORUS Christmas Cup 2024
There was a complaint in the 5th round of the Xmas Cup, based on a map inaccuracy (incorrect length of the wall with the gate to the cemetery) which misled some competitors to an incorrect answer (Z or A). The EB considered the complaint, agreed that the small inaccuracy was there, but its impact was not so significant to void the whole station. We apologize for that.
2024-06-01 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2024
We received a complaint with several topics mainly bound to the multilevel mapping, course setting and CD use (at St1 and St4). The organizers apologize for some situations where they used not absolutely correct but hopefully well understandable approaches. The EB decided to approve the organizers' decision (after voting). The results remain valid.
2024-04-25 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2024
There is an appeal from organizers of the fourth race in HTTT 2024... Task 6.3 is unsolvable due to a minor map error. Therefore, the organisers decided to cancel Station 6. We apologize for this. The EB confirmed this decision.
A new set of random stations was added from competitions from years 2021 and 2022. The number of stations is now almost doubled (over 600). Moreover, the implementation was changed so that stations tried recently are excluded from the random choice list and a new option for skipping from a station to the whole competition was added. To improve training possibilities, you can review your answers and times not only from the official competition but also from your last training attempt.
2023-09-30 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2023
After a few informal complaints, the organizers checked station 5 in the terrain and confirmed that the correct answer for task 5 is Zero. They made an appeal and the EB approved the change of the correct answer.
2023-07-28 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2023
There was a complaint in the 7th round of the Hungarian Trophy against task 25 due to doubts about the distance from the correct spot. The flag is drawn so that it looks like it is not at the tower's edge and it should be drawn a bit to the left. However, it is still clear that it is not at the right end of the tube since it continues far to the right (behind the bush). The complaint was rejected after voting in the EB.
2023-04-28 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2023
There was a complaint in the 4th round of the Hungarian Trophy against task 51 due to an unclear position (which corner of which building). The distance between the buildings is about 2.5-3 m which is clear from the map and due to the zero tolerance, it's not worth thinking about the building/corner selection. The complaint was rejected.
2023-02-25 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2023
There was a complaint in the 2nd round of the Hungarian Trophy against St1. The core of the complaint concerned apparently wrong sizes of flags B and D. However, the flags were not artificially added, they were only photographed, but accidentally their rotation caused this bad impression. The complaint was rejected.
2022-12-17 TORUS Christmas Cup 2022
After an internal appeal of the EB, the organizers decided to void station 4 of the 6th race. According to the control description, the flag position at task 41 should be at the foot of the wall (in the river :-) and not on top. Organizers apologize for that mistake.
2022-09-30 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2022
There were 3 complaints in the 9th round of the Hungarian Trophy. Just shortly: station 3 was voided due to task 34 (probably ZT violation, unclear picture); complaints on stations 4 and 7 (task 71) were rejected.
As no organizer applications have been submitted, the autumn series will not be open this year.
Don't miss a new course in the section of Free training courses.
2022-04-01 TORUS Season #5 Spring 2022
There was a complaint in the 6th competition of the Torus Spring Series against task 15. The complainant said that the flag was in between two fences. The organizers and all EB members agreed that the flag was placed properly and the task was solvable with care. The complaint was rejected.
2022-03-25 TORUS Season #5 Spring 2022
There was a complaint in the 3rd competition of the Torus Spring Series due to unvisible foot of the stick at task 35. Both organizers and the EB agreed that this task was very hard but solvable due to the position of the flag behind the wall (being partially hidden by the wall) and the relation of the wall ending far out of the open area. The complaint was rejected.
2022-03-23 TORUS Season #5 Spring 2022
There was a complaint in the 3rd competition of the Torus Spring Series due to image distortion and map rotation at station 6. Both organizers and the EB are convinced that none of these issues were significant and had any influence to solvability by object matching. The complaint was rejected.
2022-03-20 TORUS Season #5 Spring 2022
There were three complaints in the 2nd competition of the Torus Spring Series.
At station 4, there is a mistake in the map: the relative position of flag D and the line of a roof leading from the chair to NE is wrong. Organizers apologize for that. The station is voided.
The second complaint is against task 24 due to bad visibility and errors in the map. The organizers rejected it. The boulder is well visible and the supposed mistake originates from an (unintentional) optical illusion caused by the chair standing deep beneath the platform.
The last complaint was based on a claim that the map is not precise in the area of tasks 61 and 65. The organizers rejected the complaint. The object relations around task 61 are good. The problem of task 65 comes from mismatching the wall visible behind flag E. It is not the wall leading from flag E to the west but the wall at the western border of the map.
After a long discussion and voting the EB accepted the explanations and organizers decisions for stations 2 and 6.
2022-03-18 TORUS Season #5 Spring 2022
Organizers of the second race of the TORUS Spring 2022 series apologize to all the B class competitors for a mistake that after the last check we uploaded to both classes the same set of images so you had the same course as the A class...
As the IOF extended the member suspension to Belarus, we followed this step by blocking of participants from Belarus as well.
According to the decision of the IOF ( all Russian competitors were suspended for an indefinite period of time due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
2022-02-26 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2022
There was a complaint against task 85 in the February race of the Hungarian TempO Trophy due to incorrect control description that could have led competitors to believe that the control should be higher and closer to the flag A, which would violate the Zero tolerance.
The organizers apologized for this mistake but rejected the complaint since the solution according to the control circle center was possible.
The EB discussed it and after voting the explanation was accepted and the complaint rejected.
2022-02-12 TORUS e-O-Ringen 2022
There were two complaints against station 6 in the 5th race of the O-Ringen series. Both were based on the fact that the scene how it was visible from the picture did not correspond the map. The D-E-F rock seems to lie lower then the A-B-C one while according to the map it should lie higher and the area around it should be mapped similarly as the top of the D-E-F rock, i.e. with the rough open land symbol. This caused the objects to be hardly recognizable.
The organizer rejected the complaint saying that both the rock formations are at similar level in reality and regarding the open area he does not remember the nature of the area exactly.
The EB discussed it and after voting it decided that the picture is really very deformed giving an incorrect impression of the levels of the rock formations and confirmed the opinion about the open areas. The complaint was accepted and the station voided.
2022-02-12 TORUS e-O-Ringen 2022
There was a complaint against station 2 in the 4th race of the O-Ringen series based on supposed mapping errors (vegetation tunnels and path crossings).
Both the organizer and the EB claims that mapping the tunnel as vegetation stripes is OK and all path crossings in the part of the map visible on the picture were corrected. The complaint is rejected.
2022-02-12 TORUS e-O-Ringen 2022
There was a complaint against station 5 in the 3rd race of the O-Ringen series.
According to the complaint, the task 52 was not solvable because we didn't see the correct reentrant and the reentrant with flag E was bigger than mapped. The organizer says that there was information about two reentrants both in map and in the control description and when comparing the two possible scenarios (correct and bad position), there were enough clues to solve the task.
Another point of the complaint was task 55 where the complaint says that the flag is out of the object (elongated knoll). The organizer claims that this is not true.
The organizer rejected the complaint. After a long discussion and tight voting, the EB confirmed it.
2022-02-09 TORUS e-O-Ringen 2022
There was a complaint against station 5 in the 1st race of the O-Ringen series. The complaint says that at task 51, the viewpoint was completely on the edge of the map and the area where the flags were located was not shown on the map. The organizers agree that it is a borderline situation but the rules were not violated and there were many clues to solve the task. The EB agreed with all three points of the previous sentence and confirmed rejection of this complaint.
2022-01-25 Swedish Forest Cup II
There was another pair of complaints against stations 2 and 4 in the 10th race of the Swedish Forest Cup II Series. The exact position of the control point of task 23 was slightly to the left of the C flag. Organizers apologize for that mistake but they consider this mistake not so serious to void the whole station. The second complaint regards position of the C flag at the 4th station. Organizers think that since we cannot see the top of the hill, the position of the flag might be slightly higher but in no case so far to violate the Zero tolerance. The EB confirmed rejection of these complaints.
2022-01-25 Swedish Forest Cup II
There was a complaint against the 4th station in the 10th race of the Swedish Forest Cup II Series. The complainant objected to errors in contours lines in the left part of the scene and questioned the possibility of the visibility of flag C behind the B-boulder. The organizers rejected both problems and the EB confirmed this decision.
2022-01-20 Swedish Forest Cup II
There was a complaint against the 4th station in the 8th race of the Swedish Forest Cup II Series. The first point of the complaint was based on inaccuracies in point object sizes and relations. The second one was based on the problem of a "part" of a point symbol and placing the center of the circle out of the center of the symbol. The organizers answered that both problems occurred when enlaring the map and trying to adapt it by changing various contour objects to point ones and vice versa. The organizers apologized for that but they think that the impact of these errors was not so big to be a reason for voiding the station. The EB confirmed this decision.
Regarding the tasks with a part of a point symbol — the Technical guidelines does not allow such a type of control, but the Torus EB accepts them for the photo race since the flag cannot be always placed exactly to the center of the object and with a good ZT definition it brings no serious complications. However, even in this case, the control circle center should be placed into the center of the symbol in the map.
2022-01-05 Swedish Forest Cup II
There was a complaint against the 3rd station in the 1st race of the Swedish Forest Cup II Series. The essence of the complaint was that the area around the first task (flag E) was very unclear from the picture and probably not sufficiently well mapped for the trail-O and this discrepancy led most people to misunderstanding the entire station area for several tasks which was not fair. The organizers rejected the complaint. After a long discussion and a tight voting, the EB hasn't agreed with this decision and confirmed the request for voiding station 3.
The Christmas Eve(nt) Race and Crazy Race 2021 were moved to the free training list in the TempO Simulator.
The EB has disqualified user Alik Stepanov due to cheating.
2021-11-03 TORUS Season #4 Autumn 2021
Organizers of the first B class race made an appeal to void station 6. The newest picture was taken from slightly different place and the E flag optically touches the thicket although in fact it is at least 4 meters in front of it. Due to this illusion, many competitors were confused. The EB accepted the appeal and the station is voided.
The EB has disqualified user Vladimir Tomash due to cheating.
Since we still do not have enough course setters and advisors for the Autumn series, we cannot promise the dates of this series.
2021-09-30 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2021
There was a complaint about task 71 of the September race of the Hungarian TempO Trophy (due to not clearly distinguishable selection between flags A and C).
The organizers responded that it was solvable using the reference tree in the proximity of the control circle center and the EB confirmed this opinion. The complaint was rejected.
2021-09-15 World Orienteering Day TORUS Series
There were several complaints about the fourth race of the WOD.
A complaint against task 34 due to bad placing of the control circle was rejected. The circle is placed properly, maybe the complainant was misled by a contour covering part of the green dot.
The complaints against task 23 were rejected by organizers. The A flag was further than ZT, so the rules were not violated. However, this was not the clue for solving the problem. The flag should be at a wall corner, i.e. at the level of the sidewalk and it was clearly much higher (and further). The EB confirmed organizers' decision (after voting).
2021-09-12 World Orienteering Day TORUS Series
There were several complaints about the second race of the WOD.
Complaints against stations 2 and 4 were based on different angles of the map and the picture. Organizers apologize for that small differences but since it has no significant influence on solvability, they rejected the complaints. The executive board confirmed this decision.
Task 34 was my proposal which was accepted by the course setter. We tried to do our best to make the flag as realistic as possible but the result was not as good as we had hoped. Therefore, I started a discussion in the EB and the final decision after some complaints was to void the station due to insufficient graphic processing which could mislead some competitors. I apologize for that, I wanted to add a task with increased intellectual demands but the realization was not good.
2021-08-27 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2021
There was a complaint about task 12 of the August race of the Hungarian TempO Trophy (due to proximity of the right spot and the E flag).
However, the right spot was not "behind" the E flag but on the right side of the F flag since the description was "spur" and not "spur, foot". The complaint was rejected.
2021-07-29 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2021
There was a complaint about task 71 of the July race of the Hungarian TempO Trophy (bad and confusing control description).
The organizers apologize for the mistake in the CD but they decided to reject the complaint due to low impact of the mistake for the solution of the task. The EB confirmed this decision.
2021-06-30 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2021
There was a complaint about task 34 of the June race of the Hungarian TempO Trophy.
The complaint was rejected by the organizers because the ZT was not violated and the flag was clearly misplaced (too far and too low) from the right spot (upper flat part of the terrace, near the edge). The EB confirmed this decision after a close vote — the task was not ideal for TempO but solvable.
2021-05-28 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2021
There were complaints about stations 1, 2 and 6 of the May race of the Hungarian TempO Trophy.
The organizers accepted the complaints about station 2 (Zero tolerance violation at task 23 and different rotation of the map and picture) and recommended to void the station. The Executive Board confirmed this decision.
The complaint about task 11 was rejected by the organizers since the ZT was not violated here and the flag was clearly misplaced from the right spot. The EB confirmed this decision.
The complaint about task 65 was rejected by the organizers since the ZT was not violated here. In this case the EB disagrees with the organizers and believes that the flag was added to the picture so unprecisely that it could lead many competitors to the conclusion that the flag is placed quite far from the wall. The station was voided.
The TORUS Turus Play-off is over. You can look at the races and results through the link on the TempO Simulator page (in the Series section).
The video from the play-off is avalible on Thanx to Anne.
The TORUS Turus Play-offs for the best 32 competitors of the TORUS Turus Tournament start on Saturday (22.5.2021) at 10:00 AM CEST (8:00 AM GMT).
The web address of the registration to watch the play-offs is
Many thanx to Anne Straube for both arranging the technical background of the show and taking the role of a commentator/interviewer.

Quarter final heats:
Heat A:
  • Lauri Mäkinen
  • Erik Kalman
  • Anders Höije
  • Teemu Niskanen
  • Pinja Mäkinen
  • Arno Gronhovd
  • Sara López Martín
  • Ryota Hirayama
Heat B:
  • Alessio Tenani
  • Kentaro Iwata
  • Aaron Gaio
  • Robertas Stankevič
  • Petteri Hakala
  • Lovisa Hambäck
  • Leif Eriksson
  • Marcello Lambertini
Heat C:
  • Pavel Ptáček
  • Tapani Mäkinen
  • Toby Scott
  • Marit Wiksell
  • Tobias Biering
  • Alejandro Aguilar Lara
  • Birte Friedrichs
  • Geir Myhr Oien
Heat D:
  • Rafael Miguel
  • Ralph Körner
  • Christian Enberg
  • Ondřej Macek
  • Maciej Urbaniak
  • Viola Zagonel
  • Jorge Caraça-Valente Barrera
  • Lauri Kontkanen
We expect the heats to be started at 10:05 (A), 10:20 (B), 10:35 (C) and 10:50 (D), but be prepared a bit earlier. You can be connected the whole time and follow your colleagues as a normal attendee...

2021-04-02 Hungarian TORUS TempO Trophy 2021
There were several complaints about stations 1, 5 and 7 of the March race of the Hungarian TempO Trophy. The organisers accepted the complaints about station 5 (unprecise map around the D-flag tree, uncertain position of flag F, the distance of flag E from the correct position of task 22 at the level of ZT) and voided the station. With regard to the other complaints, the organizers consider that some of them are not correct and the inacurracies mentioned in others did not have a significant impact on the solvability of the tasks. EB approved all these decisions.
2021-03-26 TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021
The course setter and advisor of the 8th race in class B made an appeal to void station 5 due to a small unintentional displacement of the center of the control circle at task 51. The appeal was accepted by the EB and the station was voided.
2021-03-26 TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021
After a complaint by D. Wathey about wrong position of the D-flag boulder at station 7 of the 7th race in class A, the organisers decided to void the station.
R. Miguel made a complaint about station 3 of the 7th race in class A due to style of mapping of the trees (around flags B and C). Organisers do not agree that this could significantly affect solvability and refused the complaint.
Both decisions were confirmed by the EB.
The EB has disqualified another user, Julie Chiu, for having two accounts in the Simulator that is not allowed and opens a possibility of cheating.
2021-03-19 TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021
R. Stankevič made a complaint about station 7 of the 6th race in class A due to a bad map quality. Although the EB does not agree with all the statements in the complaint, it agrees that the quality of the map there was poor but with a very little impact on the solvability of the tasks. The complaint was rejected.
L. Kosić made a complaint about a confusing zoom and solution of task 21 in the 6th race in class B. There was really an older picture used for the zoom and the organisers apologize for this but we don't think it had a severe impact on the solvability of the tasks there. Task 21 was correct and solvable from the basic picture (without the zoom) and the map. The complaint was rejected.
2021-03-19 TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021
The misfortune of this series continues...
For technical reasons, the last station of the sixth race in both categories had to be canceled.
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I am really very sorry and I apologize for that. LF
2021-03-17 TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021
The course setter and advisor of the 5th race in class A made an appeal to void station 5 due to a poor visibility in the area of flags A and C and so too difficult exact location of the flags. The appeal was accepted by the EB and the station was voided.
2021-03-16 TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021
There is a new TORUS training from the organisers of the B class race on next Tuesday.
2021-03-12 TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021
After two complaints (by J. Wieszaczewski and R. Edis-Smith) the organisers of the 4th race in the A class suggested EB to void the station 6. The problem of e-course setting is that organisers typically have a picture much earlier than a station map and since the map is rotated by the program exactly according to the rules and this rotation cannot be changed, in fact all stations have a difference between orientation of the picture and the map. Mostly it does not make a problem but at this station the combination of a hard terrain and the rotation difference was confusing. The EB accepted voiding of this station. Organisers apologise for that.
2021-03-10 TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021
After Ben Kyd's complaint about poor visibility of the knoll in between the D and E flags at the 2nd station of the 3rd race in the A class, the station was voided.
2021-03-07 TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021
The course setter and advisor of the 2nd race in class A made an appeal to void station 4 due to slightly uncertain position of flag F comparing to the map that could lead some competitors to answer Zero at task 41. After a long discussion and vote, the appeal was rejected by the EB.
The Torus EB has information that some competitors share information about the race during the race. Please note that this is against the cup rules and if a similar case is found, the entire club may be disqualified.
2021-03-05 TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021
After Libor Forst's complaint about task 62, the 6th station of the 1st race in class A was voided. Competitors could not determine from the picture the exact position of flag A, taking in account the 3 m Zero tolerance.
The complaint about task 23 was rejected; the artifically added flag was not well adapted to its location but the mistake was not so serious to void the whole station. The decision was taken after the vote; Libor Forst, as the complainant, of course did not take part in the vote.
However, the EB noted that both problems were caused not by course setting but by the taking and processing of the pictures.
2021-03-04 TORUS Season #3 Spring 2021
Competitor Clive Cheng was disqualified due to fair play violation in the first race of class B series and his account was blocked until the end of the series.
Don't miss the Swedish Forest Cup Series starting on Saturday Feb 13th!
Since it is not a TORUS series, it is accessible only from the TempO Simulator page.
On Saturday, the server ran out from the swap. I managed to increase the memory and it is alive again. I apologize to everyone who had to wait...
2021-02-03 Central European TORUS Training Week 2021
Station 4 of Day 2 was voided.
Organizers appologize for a mistake made at control 45. When adjusting map so that it fits the reality we have not noticed that the control circle is little bit misplaced after this change. For that reason some of the competitors may have answered incorrectly.
Several violations of fair play principles have been uncovered in past races. Particular results were removed and accounts blocked.
Have in mind that accounts in the Simulator are strictly personal, with real names. Everyone can have only one account.
2020-12-19 TORUS Advent Calendar 2020
After Libor Forst's complaint, the 1st station of the 18th race was voided in class A. Competitors could not determine from the picture the exact position of the spur foot and verify its distance from surrounding flags.
2020-12-18 TORUS Advent Calendar 2020
A complaint by Dmitrii Glotov regarding buildings at station 3 in the 17th race was rejected.
There were small inaccuracies in building positions, but the tasks were solvable.
2020-12-13 TORUS Advent Calendar 2020
After Alain Kyd's complaint about a wrong control description of task 35 in the 12th race, the 3rd station of the race was voided in both classes.
2020-12-04 TORUS Advent Calendar 2020
Several violations of fair play principles have been uncovered in past races.
We want to remind you that there are Cup rules that should be followed if you want to partcipate in the Cup…